The seam between the tangible
& the spiritual.
My work is a reflection of the metaphorical realm that exists just next to our lives at any and every moment. Messages, communication, a living relationship, are all happening between ourselves and our environment, both close in proximity and to the furthest reaches that you can imagine. Everything you see, that exists in this world is alive and has a consciousness and a path in life. Not a life like you might compare to your own or one of any other Homo sapien, but its own intrinsic and influential experience on this earth. And it is all communicating with us and everything else, constantly.
“In a world where little is sacred anymore, I find a solace in honoring the sentience of all beings through my art.”
The pieces I create are a way that I have been able to translate certain messages or take events and extract them from my psyche so I can continue to heal as the natural world reveals itself to me. I truly love Nature and look to Her for all of my questions that need answering.
Animals are highly influential in my work. They are creatures that help humans to expand their spirits to beyond what a normal human could even comprehend. What would we do without these irreplaceable and priceless guides? As we are stewards to this land, animals are stewards to the balance of our biological world, a balance which all life needs to survive and to thrive.
The skulls also become homes for spirits who have lost theirs to human interference. The alignment and vibration of the natural and living materials that are paired with the skulls help to release the negative imprint possibly left as the animal transitioned. None of the materials used are new. They are found, rescued, dug up or refurbished, as to not add any manmade objects to our planet, but simply collect and juxtapose to create an altar of novelty. These skull sculptures have the ability to live and to perish.